Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Good day

Molz shot pretty darn good today. She still dropped to 41st overall BUT her overall score of 1248 is a Personal Best. Shooting 3 PB's in one tournament is amazing.....but to do it in a world championships is incredible. One simply cannot describe the pride as a parent.

Tomorrow at 15:30 or 16:30(we're not sure which), local time, will be her first match. She is up against an Italian who ranked 39th. Should be fun. Molz likes the 60M distance.

I'm going to upload some pics of her to this site...check them out.

Buttercup is chugging right along. He had a slight hiccup at the start of 30M but it turned out it didn't cost him much at all and he placed 7th overall. His first match is at 17:45 Thurs.

That's all for now


K@ylee---Buttercup's Sister said...

Hi...Just set myself up a Blogger account!...So i can say what a great way this is to know what everyone is up to...Wanted to say GOOD LUCK to Molz and Christopher...and Keep up the good work...we are all so proud...
Hope to talk to you soon

archerymom said...

WELL DONE, Molly! 3 PB's! What a way to start out internationally! Damn proud of you!